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American Medical Association
This website offers many resources for not only a professional doctor, but the patients around them. It is a great resource for any information you are looking for.

Neurology Channel
Neurology Channel provides comprehensive, trustworthy information about conditions and diseases that affect the brain and nervous system, such as stroke and Alzheimer's disease.

Health Communities
Health Communities is a product of the Health channel and allows one to comprehend more about a disorder. Whether it be headaches or any other medical problem, one can be sure to find informative resources on this site.

American Headache Society
The American Headache Society provides a wealth of headache resources for one to read and learn from. They have done a remarkable job compiling a medical database for all to use and appreciate.

The Florida Association for the Study of Headache is an organization to help people learn about neurology and other aspects concerning the human brain. They hold 2 meetings annually and are looking to expand through the Internet.

American Council for Headache Education
The American Council for Headache Education (ACHE) is a nonprofit patient-health professional partnership dedicated to advancing the treatment and management of headache and to raising the public awareness of headache as a valid, biologically based illness.