Dr. Reed Stone
Reed Stone, M.D. has been associated with Palm Beach Neurology for over 20 years. He is board certified in Neurology and received fellowship status in 1996.
Dr. Stone received his Bachelor of Science in Biology, graduating Magna Cum Laude from Brooklyn College. He received his medical degree with academic honors from Universidad Central Del Este, Dominican Republic. He completed his neurology residency at State University New York, Downstate Medical Center. He was Chief Resident in his last year of training. Upon completion of his residency, Dr. Stone was appointed as Assistant Professor in neurology at Kings County Hospital and Downstate Medical Center. He participated as attending neurologist in several clinics and was appointed to Director of Neurological Services for Kings County Hospital emergency room.
Dr. Stone is listed in America's Top Physicians.
Dr. Stone's practice focus is on the diagnosis and treatment of spine, nerve and muscle disorders. He specializes and performs himself the EMG-NCV testing used to diagnose these conditions.
His personal staff together have dedicated more than 26 years of service, to insure the highest level of patient satisfaction.
Dr. Stone is proud to have the loving support of his wife and three sons, and looks forward to providing neurological care for many years to come.