Practice Privacy Policy


Website Privacy Policy

Palm Beach Neurology cares about your privacy. Protecting your privacy is important to us. We collect no personal information about you when you visit our website unless you choose to provide this information to us. However, we collect and store certain information automatically. Here is how we handle information about your visit to our website.

What We Collect and Store Automatically
If you do nothing during your visit but browse through the website, read pages, or download information, we will gather and store certain information about your visit automatically. This information does not identify you personally. We automatically collect and store only the following information about your visit: The Internet domain (for example, "" if you use a private Internet access account, or "" if you connect from a universitys domain) and IP address (an IP address is a number that is assigned to your computer whenever surfing the Web) from which you access our website. The type of browser and operating system used to access our site. The date and time you access our site. The pages you visit. If you linked to our website from another website, the address of that website. We use the information we collect to count the number and type of visitors to the different pages on our site, and to help us make our site more useful to visitors like you.

If You Send Us E-mail
You may choose to provide us with personal information, as in e-mail with a comment or question. We use the information to improve our service to you. Except for authorized law enforcement investigations, we do not share our e-mail with any other outside organizations.

Links to Other Sites
Our website has links to partners and other sites. When you link to another site, you are no longer on our site and are subject to the privacy policy of the new site.

It is the policy of our practice that all physicians and staff preserve the integrity and the confidentiality of protected health information (PHI) pertaining to our patients. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that our practice and its physicians and staff have the necessary medical and PHI to provide the highest quality medical care possible while protecting the confidentiality of the PHI of our patients to the highest degree possible. Patients should not be afraid to provide information to our practice and its physicians and staff for purposes of treatment, payment and healthcare operations (TPO). To that end, our practice and its physicians and staff will

  • Adhere to the standards set forth in the Notice of Privacy Practices.
  • Collect, use and disclose PHI only in conformance with state and federal laws and current patient covenants and/or authorizations, as appropriate. Our practice and its physicians and staff will not used or disclose PHI for uses outside of practice's TPO, such as marketing, employment, life insurance applications, etc. without an authorization from the patient.
  • Use and disclose PHI to remind patients of their appointments unless they instruct us not to.
  • Recognize that PHI collected about patients must be accurate, timely, complete, and available when needed. Our practice and its physicians and staff will

    Implement reasonable measures to protect the integrity of all PHI maintained about patients.

  • Recognize that patients have a right to privacy. Our practice and its physicians and staff will respect patient's privacy to the extent consistent with providing the highest quality medical care possible and with the efficient administration of the facility.
  • Act as responsible information stewards and treat all PHI as sensitive an confidential. Consequently, our practice and its physicians and staff will:

    Treat all PHI data as confidential in accordance with professional ethics, accreditation standards, and legal requirements.
    Not disclose PHI data unless the patent (or his or her authorized representative has properly authorized the release or the release is otherwise authorized by law.

  • Recognize that, although our practice "owns" the medical record, the patient has a right to inspect and obtain a copy of his/her medical record if he/she believes his/her information is inaccurate or incomplete. Our practice and its physicians and staff will –

    Permit patients access to their medical records when their written requests are approved by our practice. If we deny their request, then we must inform the patients that they may request a review of our denial. In such cases, we will have an on-site healthcare professional review the patients' appeals.
    Provide patients an opportunity to request the correction of inaccurate or incomplete PHI in their medical records in accordance with the law and professional standards.

  • All physicians and staff of our practice will maintain a list of certain disclosures of PHI for purposes other than TPO for each patient and those made pursuant to an authorization as required by HIPAA rules. We will provide this list to patients upon request, so long as their requests are in writing.
  • All physicians and staff of our practice will adhere to any restrictions concerning the use or disclosure of PHI that patients have requested and have been approved by our practice.
    All physicians and staff of our practice must adhere to this policy.
  • Our practice will not tolerate violations of this policy. Violation of the policy is grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment and criminal or professional sanctions in accordance with our practice's personnel rules and regulations.
  • Our practice may change this privacy policy in the future. Any changes will be effective upon the release of a revised privacy policy and will be made available to patients upon request.